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LV17 2021-07-21
This is such a practical and useful book providing guidance for me to get over my procrastination.
when facing difficulties and failures, personally speaking, the most important step is to know thoroughly about them. There is an old saying in China that knowing yourself and your enemies wins victory. And it can be related to the cognitive psychological therapy.
I highly recommend to read the English original version to avoid any possible misunderstanding and misinterpretation in the process of translation. Easy to read, for this type of digestive booklet.
To summarize, procrastination, different from delays, can happen any time in any possible scenario. As human being, we are hardwired to give in to feel good. Overcoming this voluntary needless delay requires as huge consistent effort as developing a good habit. At the end of the day, you can read all the books in the world about this topic, but the change starts from you! let's just do it![微笑]




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