赛斯 试读
2024-12-17上架“社会适应不良”说的就是我这种人。 当我想滑冰—— 我等啊等啊,一直到凌晨两点左右才出门。我得确保周围没人。 当我去博物馆—— 我总是直奔恐龙厅。那里很安静,真是个奇妙的地方。 我的猫鲍里斯听过蕞多的念叨—— “鲍鲍……真是只大肥猫。” “没有你我该怎么办呀?” …… 我自己也想不到,有一天我会主动写信给《纽约客》,询问一位陌生漫画家下落。 “在阿特·斯比格曼的《鼠族》之后,《尚未缴械就是美好生活》是我思考图像小说形式上的更多可能性,并为之努力的主要灵感来源。” ——克里斯·韦尔| 哈维奖、艾斯纳奖获得者 ,《老屋记》作者
衣笠彰梧 试读
2024-12-04上架“关于我和清隆的事情,我觉得是时候告诉大家了。” 经历各种事件之后,无人岛测验终于结束。大家期盼已久的、在豪华客船上的假期开始了。但这次测验也留下了一些未解之谜。龙园开始调查袭击小宫的凶手,其他学生也开始有了新的动向。三年级的桐山出现在绫小路面前。 “绫小路,你真是碍事!”南云也突然变脸,并且采取了奇怪的行动,他下令让全体三年级学生对绫小路一人进行“监视”。 另一方面,为了回应一之濑的告白,绫小路前往了约定地点!—— 高人气的学园启示录——第二年的暑假暗流汹涌!
凯利·哈姆斯 试读
2024-11-21上架一个妈妈,两个孩子,这简单的组合就足够要了老命: 首先,为了让孩子吃住上学,她要拼命工作; 接着,她得精打细算,为了省人工费自己修马桶,知道怎么买打折食品最划算,懂得用慈善商店买的旧衣服给孩子做华丽的演出服,还不能被同学看穿; 然后,她必须是效率超人,边上厕所边刷牙,用最快的时间准备早饭,冲锋陷阵地把孩子准时送进学校,还不遗漏任何要带的东西; 此外,她还知道怎么用最少的咖啡让自己保持清醒,因为睡眠永远不够,钱也是,时间更是! 她是艾米,一个精疲力竭、失去自我的四十岁妈妈,一个邻居和朋友都交口称赞的坚强母亲。然而在她的内心深处,某些东西正在缓慢而悄无声息地崩塌。
格林兄弟 试读
The Song of Ice and Fire Series(5-Book Boxed Set )
George R. R. Martin 试读
2024-09-23上架For the first time, all five novels in the epic fantasy series that inspired HBO’s Game of Thrones are together in one eBook bundle. An immersive entertainment experience unlike any other, A Song of Ice and Fire has earned George R. R. Martin—dubbed “the American Tolkien” by Time magazine—international acclaim and millions of loyal readers. Now this bundle collects the entire monumental cycle in the most convenient format available: A GAME OF THRONES A CLASH OF KINGS A STORM OF SWORDS
Stay with Me
Ayobami Adebayo 试读
2024-09-18上架Ever since they first met and fell in love at university, Yejide and Akin have agreed: polygamy is not for them. She assumes she still has time—until her in-laws arrive on her doorstep with a young woman they introduce as Akin’s second wife. Furious, shocked, and livid with jealousy, Yejide knows the only way to save her marriage is to get pregnant.
The Black Swan: Second Edition
Nassim Nicholas Taleb 试读
2024-09-16上架The most influential book of the past seventy-five years: a groundbreaking exploration of everything we know about what we don’t know, now with a new section called “On Robustness and Fragility.”
King of Capital
David Carey 试读
2024-09-13上架The story by two insiders with access: Insightful and hard-hitting, filled with never-before-revealed details about the workings of a heretofore secretive company that was the personal fiefdom of Schwarzman and Peter Peterson.
The Sense of Style
Steven Pinker 试读
2024-09-12上架Why is so much writing so bad, and how can we make it better? Is the English language being corrupted by texting and social media? Do the kids today even care about good writing—and why should we care? From the author of The Better Angels of Our Nature and Enlightenment Now.In this entertaining and eminently practical book, the cognitive scientist, dictionary consultant, and New York Times–bestselling author Steven Pinker rethinks the usage guide for the twenty-first century.
From the Wizarding Archive(Volume 1)
J.K.Rowling 试读
2024-08-29上架If you've ever wondered what happened when Vernon Dursley first met James Potter, wanted to know more about the magical properties of wand cores or pondered whether the Malfoys were always wealthy and firmly anti-Muggle - then From the Wizarding Archive (Volume 1)should go straight to the top of your must-read list. Containing 45 articles written by J.K. Rowling for the original Pottermore website, Harry PotterTM fans everywhere are in for a treat.
From the Wizarding Archive(Volume 2)
J.K.Rowling 试读
2024-08-29上架If you've ever wondered what McGonagall was like before she became the firm but fair Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts (Was she ever in love? How did she form such a strong and trusting friendship with Dumbledore?) or reflected on what Remus Lupin's childhood might have been like - then From the Wizarding Archive (Volume 2) should go straight to the top of your must-read list.
寻梦环游记 Coco(迪士尼英文原版)
迪士尼公司 试读
威廉·莎士比亚 试读
2024-02-07上架请欣赏莎士比亚四大悲剧之一《哈姆雷特》!丹麦老国王离奇死亡,灵魂萦绕在城堡的高墙之上,忧郁的王子决心一探究竟,为父报仇,命运的齿轮被复仇推着转动……纸上舞台,即刻开演! “生存还是毁灭”,为什么会是个问题? 看完漫画才明白,原来哈姆雷特纠结的是这些事!!
威廉·莎士比亚 试读
2024-02-06上架请欣赏莎士比亚四大悲剧之一《麦克白》!苏格兰的旷野上,三女巫高声预言:“麦克白,未来的国王!”从此之后,英勇的将军被野心驱使、掌控,一步步走向命运的深渊……纸上舞台,即刻开演!“麦克白,未来的国王!”,谁能遏制麦克白的疯狂? 看完漫画才明白,原来麦克白的悲剧早已注定!!
安德鲁·马修斯 试读
约翰·特雷什 试读
2023-11-28上架埃德加·爱伦·坡至今仍然是最受欢迎的美国作家之一,因其开创性的侦探小说、恐怖故事和非凡诗歌而受到全世界的喜爱。他的生活是神秘和想象力的代名词,他塑造了现代文学的进程——而你是否知道,这位文坛惊悚大师,其实也是不折不扣的科学狂人? 在这本传记中,作者约翰·特雷什探究了爱伦·坡艰难而辉煌的一生,描绘了一幅令人着迷又充满矛盾性的人物肖像。在那个娱乐、思考与科学界限模糊的时代,爱伦·坡有着对科学的痴迷以及毕生推进和质疑人类知识的雄心。他除了在文学界发表文章并四处奔走,也追求着非凡的科学猜想与独特的美学视野,点亮了 19 世纪美国科学体系的暗夜灯塔。
The Westing Game (Puffin Modern Classics)
Ellen Raskin 试读
2023-09-05上架A bizarre chain of events begins when sixteen unlikely people gather for the reading of Samuel W. Westing’s will. And though no one knows why the eccentric, game-loving millionaire has chosen a virtual stranger—and a possible murderer—to inherit his vast fortune, on things for sure: Sam Westing may be dead…but that won’t stop him from playing one last game!
A Gentleman in Moscow
Amor Towles 试读
2023-08-27上架Rostov, an indomitable man of erudition and wit, has never worked a day in his life, and must now live in an attic room while some of the most tumultuous decades in Russian history are unfolding outside the hotel’s doors. Unexpectedly, his reduced circumstances provide him entry into a much larger world of emotional discovery.
The Code Book
Simon Singh 试读
2023-08-27上架In his first book since the bestselling Fermat’s Enigma, Simon Singh offers the first sweeping history of encryption, tracing its evolution and revealing the dramatic effects codes have had on wars, nations, and individual lives.
His Dark Materials:The Golden Compass(Book 1)
Philip Pullman 试读
2023-08-27上架The modern fantasy classic that Entertainment Weekly named an "All-Time Greatest Novel" and Newsweek hailed as a "00 Book of All Time." Philip Pullman takes readers to a world where humans have animal familiars and where parallel universes are within reach. Lyra is rushing to the cold, far North, where witch clans and armored bears rule. North, where the Gobblers take the children they steal--including her friend Roger.
A Brief History of Time
Stephen Hawking 试读
2023-08-27上架A landmark volume in science writing by one of the great minds of our time, Stephen Hawking’s book explores such profound questions as: How did the universe begin—and what made its start possible? Does time always flow forward? Is the universe unending—or are there boundaries? Are there other dimensions in space? What will happen when it all ends?
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Mark Haddon 试读
2023-08-27上架The novel is narrated in the first-person perspective by Christopher John Francis Boone, a 15-year-old boy who describes himself as “a mathematician with some behavioural difficulties” living in Swindon, Wiltshire.
The Fault in Our Stars
John Green 试读
2023-08-27上架Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel’s story is about to be completely rewritten.
The Da Vinci Code
Dan Brown 试读
2023-08-27上架Dan Brown's mega-bestseller is now available for a new generation of readers. This young adult adaptation is the perfect way to get ready for Origin, the latest novel featuring the character Robert Langdon. It will remind fans everywhere why the New York Times calls The Da Vinci Code "blockbuster perfection."
Go Tell It on the Mountain
James Baldwin 试读
2023-08-27上架Baldwin's classic novel opened new possibilities in the American language and in the way Americans understand themselves. With lyrical precision, psychological directness, resonating symbolic power, and a rage that is at once unrelenting and compassionate, Baldwin tells the story of the stepson of the minister of a storefront Pentecostal church in Harlem one Saturday in March of 1935.
The Phantom Tollbooth
Norton Juster 试读
2023-08-27上架With almost 5 million copies sold in the 60 years since it was published, generations of readers have journeyed with Milo to the Lands Beyond in this beloved classic.
Daniel H. Pink 试读
2023-08-27上架Drawing on four decades of scientific research on human motivation, Pink exposes the mismatch between what science knows and what business does—and how that affects every aspect of life. He examines the three elements of true motivation—autonomy, mastery, and purpose-and offers smart and surprising techniques for putting these into action in a unique book that will change how we think and transform how we live.
The House of Rothschild
Niall Ferguson 试读
2023-08-27上架Niall Ferguson's House of Rothschild: Money's Prophets 1798-1848 was hailed as a "great biography" by Time magazine and named one of the best books of the year by Business Week. Now, with all the depth, clarity and drama with which he traced their ascent, Ferguson - the first historian with access to the long-lost Rothschild family archives - concludes his myth-breaking portrait of once of the most fascinating and power families of all time.
The Tools
Phil Stutz 试读
2023-08-27上架With The Tools, Stutz and Michels allow you to realize the full range of your potential. Their goal is nothing less than for your life to become exceptional—exceptional in its resiliency, in its experience of real happiness, and in its understanding of the human spirit.
Brandon Sanderson 试读
2023-08-27上架Spensa’s life as a Defiant Defense Force pilot has been far from ordinary. She proved herself one of the best starfighters in the human enclave of Detritus and she saved her people from extermination at the hands of the Krell—the enigmatic alien species that has been holding them captive for decades. What’s more, she traveled light-years from home as an undercover spy to infiltrate the Superiority, where she learned of the galaxy beyond her small, desolate planet home.
The Plantagenets
Dan Jones 试读
2023-08-27上架he first Plantagenet kings inherited a blood-soaked realm from the Normans and transformed it into an empire that stretched at its peak from Scotland to Jerusalem. In this epic narrative history of courage, treachery, ambition, and deception, Dan Jones resurrects the unruly royal dynasty that preceded the Tudors.
Learning How to Learn
Barbara Oakley PhD 试读
2023-08-27上架A Mind for Numbers and its wildly popular online companion course "Learning How to Learn" have empowered more than two million learners of all ages from around the world to master subjects that they once struggled with. Fans often wish they'd discovered these learning strategies earlier and ask how they can help their kids master these skills as well. Now in this new book for kids and teens, the authors reveal how to make the most of time spent studying.
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Junot Díaz 试读
2023-08-27上架One of the best books of 2007 according to: The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, New York Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, The Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, People, The Village Voice, Time Out New York, Salon, Baltimore City Paper, The Christian Science Monitor, Booklist, Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, New York Public Library, and many more...
101 Things I Learned® in Urban Design School
Matthew Frederick 试读
2023-08-26上架Students of urban design often find themselves lost between books that are either highly academic or overly formulaic, leaving them with few tangible tools to use in their design projects. 101 Things I Learned® in Urban Design School fills this void with provocative, practical lessons on urban space, street types, pedestrian experience, managing the design process, the psychological, social, cultural, and economic ramifications of physical design decisions, and more.
The Body
Bill Bryson 试读
2023-08-26上架NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER · A must-read owner’s manual for every body. Take a head-to-toe tour of the marvel that is the human body in this “delightful, anecdote-propelled read” (The Boston Globe) from the author of A Short History of Nearly Everything. With a new Afterword.
Invisible Man
Ralph Ellison 试读
2023-08-26上架He describes growing up in a Black community in the South, attending a Negro college from which he is expelled, moving to New York and becoming the chief spokesman of the Harlem branch of "the Brotherhood," before retreating amid violence and confusion.
Where the Red Fern Grows
Wilson Rawls 试读
2023-08-26上架Billy has long dreamt of owning not one, but two, dogs. So when he’s finally able to save up enough money for two pups to call his own—Old Dan and Little Ann—he’s ecstatic. It doesn’t matter that times are tough; together they’ll roam the hills of the Ozarks.
The Knight at Dawn
Mary Pope Osborne 试读
The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality
Brian Greene 试读
2023-08-26上架From Brian Greene one of the world s leading physicists comes a grand tour of the universe that makes us look at reality in a completely different way Space and time form the very fabric of the cosmos Yet they remain among the most mysterious of concepts Is space an entity Why does time have a direction Could the universe exist without space and time Can we travel to the past Greene uses these questions to guide us toward modern science s new and deeper understanding of the universe From Newton.
Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 1
Julia Child 试读
2023-08-26上架Featuring 524 delicious recipes and over 100 instructive illustrations to guide readers every step of the way, Mastering the Art of French Cooking offers something for everyone, from seasoned experts to beginners who love good food and long to reproduce the savory delights of French cuisine.
Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down
Gina McIntyre 试读
2023-08-21上架When the first season of Stranger Things debuted on Netflix in the summer of 2016, the show struck a nerve with millions of viewers worldwide and received broad critical acclaim. The series has gone on to win six Emmy Awards, but its success was driven more than anything by word of mouth, resonating across generations. Viewers feel personal connections to the characters.
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories
H. P. Lovecraft 试读
2023-08-17上架Frequently imitated and widely influential, Howard Philips Lovecraft reinvented the horror genre in the 1920s, discarding ghosts and witches and instead envisioning mankind as a tiny outpost of dwindling sanity in a chaotic and malevolent universe. S. T. Joshi, Lovecraft's preeminent interpreter, presents a selection of the master's fiction, from the early tales of nightmares and madness such as "The Outsider" to the overpowering cosmic terror of "The Call of Cthulhu."
Someone We Know
Shari Lapena 试读
2023-08-17上架In a quiet, leafy suburb in upstate New York, a teenager has been sneaking into houses - and into the owners' computers as well - learning their secrets, and maybe sharing some of them, too.
Native Speaker
Chang-rae Lee 试读
2023-08-17上架Park's harsh Korean upbringing has taught him to hide his emotions, to remember everything he learns, and most of all to feel an overwhelming sense of alienation. In other words, it has shaped him as a natural spy.
Call for the Dead
John le Carré 试读
2023-08-17上架The heart-stopping tale of intrigue that launched both novelist and spy, Call for the Dead is an essential introduction to le Carré's chillingly amoral universe.
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
Carlo Rovelli 试读
2023-08-17上架This playful, entertaining, and mind-bending introduction to modern physics briskly explains Einstein's general relativity, quantum mechanics, elementary particles, gravity, black holes, the complex architecture of the universe, and the role humans play in this weird and wonderful world. Carlo Rovelli, a renowned theoretical physicist, is a delightfully poetic and philosophical scientific guide.
This Is My Life
Meg Wolitzer 试读
2023-08-17上架The third book by New York Times-bestselling author Meg Wolitzer (originally published as This Is Your Life), a smart, witty and perceptive novel about the daughters of a female stand-up comic who watch as their mother struggles to balance her career with the needs of her children.
The Crucible
Arthur Miller 试读
2023-08-17上架Based on historical people and real events, Arthur Miller's play uses the destructive power of socially sanctioned violence unleashed by the rumors of witchcraft as a powerful parable about McCarthyism.
A Field Guide to Getting Lost
Rebecca Solnit 试读
2023-08-17上架Whether she is contemplating the history of walking as a cultural and political experience over the past 200 years (Wanderlust), or using the life of photographer Eadweard Muybridge as a lens to discuss the transformations of space and time in late 19th-century America (River of Shadows), Rebecca Solnit has emerged as an inventive and original writer whose mind is daring in the connections it makes.
The Art of Simple Living
Shunmyo Masuno 试读
2023-08-17上架Relax and find happiness amid the swirl of the modern world with this internationally best-selling guide to simplifying your life by a Japanese monk who embodies the wisdom of Zen.
The Key to Rebecca
Ken Follett 试读
2023-08-17上架A brilliant and ruthless Nazi master agent is on the loose in Cairo. His mission is to send Rommel’s advancing army the secrets that will unlock the city’s doors. In all of Cairo, only two people can stop him. One is a down-on-his-luck English officer no one will listen to. The other is a vulnerable young Jewish girl....
The Haunted
Bentley Little 试读
2023-08-17上架The neighbors seem reluctant to visit. Claire can't shake the feeling that someone is watching her. Megan receives increasingly menacing and obscene texts. And James is having terrible dreams. No wonder, considering what he's seen in the corner of the basement, staring at him and shuffling closer ever so slowly.
Ken Follett 试读
2023-08-17上架D-Day is approaching. They don’t know where or when, but the Germans know it’ll be soon, and for Felicity “Flick” Clariet, the stakes have never been higher. A senior agent in the ranks of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) responsible for sabotage, Flick has survived to become one of Britain’s most effective operatives in Northern France.
Days Without End
Sebastian Barry 试读
2023-08-17上架Thomas McNulty, aged barely seventeen and having fled the Great Famine in Ireland, signs up for the U.S. Army in the 1850s. With his brother in arms, John Cole, Thomas goes on to fight in the Indian Wars—against the Sioux and the Yurok—and, ultimately, the Civil War. Orphans of terrible hardships themselves, the men find these days to be vivid and alive, despite the horrors they see and are complicit in.
The Looking Glass War
John le Carré 试读
2023-08-17上架It would have been an easy job for the Circus: a can of film couriered from Helsinki to London. In the past the Circus handled all things political, while the Department dealt with matters military. But the Department has been moribund since the War, its resources siphoned away. Now, one of their agents is dead, and vital evidence verifying the presence of Soviet missiles near the West German border is gone. John Avery is the Department's younger member and its last hope.
Mary Oliver 试读
2023-08-17上架Throughout her celebrated career, Mary Oliver has touched countless readers with her brilliantly crafted verse, expounding on her love for the physical world and the powerful bonds between all living things. Identified as "far and away, this country's best selling poet" by Dwight Garner, she now returns with a stunning and definitive collection of her writing from the last fifty years.